Those Who Would Cheat Death

Chapter 4: The Wicked Hermit

"You seem surprised." Seiga chuckled as she was wont to do, sending shivers down Tojiko's spine. Everything about her smile was a lie. "It's only natural, is it not, that a wife should follow her husband?"

Seiga stroked the head of the leering jiang shi she had introduced as her servant. "You've fulfilled your purpose quite nicely, Soga no Tojiko. Your parents must be proud of you."

Seiga purred, actually purred, like a cat in front of a full bowl of milk. "Not to fear, my dear. Your secret is safe in my hands. After all, you could say that we are kindred spirits."

Seiga's smile never faded, but she didn't even try to hide the malice in her eyes. "My sweet child, do you have any idea what kind of forces you are meddling with?"

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